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Our Technology

Creating a secure network, end to end.

Combining the best broadband infrastructure in London with the best cybersecurity Ai 

Introducing the GuardDog Ai cybersecurity platform. The most cost-effective cybersecurity Ai available. 

Our platform overlays your network scanning and monitoring for spurious activity both on wired and wireless entry points.


All of our equipment is built in either the UK or the USA and complies to National Cyber Security Centre best practices.



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Understanding your vulnerabilities and how we protect them

You may have heard the term 'attack surface'. This is how IT professionals describe the angles of attack into your network.


These are generally made up of three areas;

1. Digital

2. Physical

3. Social

cybersecurity diagram

Easy to Configure and Manage

Opening your guardDog Ai account gives you access to an easy to use and intuitive interface. Most of the protection is automated but your interface will tell you what your overall network security rating is and give recommendations on how to improve it.

guarddog AI dashboard
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