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Stock Computer

Joining our family of members means we build you a secure network solution based on the needs of your business. We apply strategies looking at the way your network could be exploited.


As experts in the field, we use a deliberate strategy and tailor that based on your industry, devices and your 'know how'. This is only achievable at scale with our technology.

We create a security hygiene plan for you, working to instill the right habits for your workforce.

From our experience we have seen that most cyber-attacks happen from opportunists; you clicked on the wrong link, opened the wrong email or responded to a dubious enquiry. This, many times alerts a would-be attacker to zero in on you and your business.

Our technology secures your business in a way that lets you make mistakes without it opening the flood gates for bigger, more serious issues.

Building Security into the fabric of your Business

Hour 1


We connect your broadband (if you have taken up that option) and Fido device into your network. Within an hour Fido will tell us where the vulnerabilities are on your network. We give you a report documenting that and work on a plan with you to eliminate any holes in your security.

Priority Connection

Fibre Broadband

Powered in partnership with GNetworks we deliver fault resolution for broadband connection at the end of the next working day. 

Hour 2

Automated Ai

Fido, our completely automated Ai will have understood your network demands and will start guarding all of your company’s potential attack vectors. This slams the door in the face of opportunists and gives you plenty of warning if anyone is trying to target you.

Pro-Active Support

Support Plans

Choosing a plan that's right for you can be tricky. Of course you don't have to have one of our support packages at all but, as someone more interesting than us once said "It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it"!

Hour 3


Our automated reporting tool can email designated personal daily/weekly/monthly or you can have access to the live terminal. Where you can watch everything in real time.

Our Promise

30 Days to Decide

If you're not happy with any of the products that you've received from us or indeed any work that we may have done for you let us know and we will work hard to make you happy. Whether a refund or priority scheduling we're here to help.

Attack Surface

What is the Attack Surface?

The attack surface is how we technical bods quantify the vulnerabilities on you network. This includes all of your network equipment; like routers and switches, endpoint devices, like CCTV cameras and interfaces like laptops or phones. All of these items have KNOWN attack routes into your system. We know about these routes because there is a large online database that is continually updated with the latest threats and vulnerabilities.  


Digital attack surface

Cybercriminals frequently find it simpler to get into your company by exploiting weak cybersecurity than using physical methods. Everything that exists outside the firewall and is accessible through the Internet is referred to as the surface. Here goes a list of common digital attack surfaces:

  • Application: Vulnerabilities in applications are common. As the number of applications is growing, concern on the attack surface is uprising simultaneously.

  • Code: Code is another attack surface that hackers examine and try to find a vulnerability. Any unexpected coding could lead your system into a serious hazard.

  • Ports: Attackers scan ports and try to penetrate the system through open ports. Not all open ports are harmful; in some cases, your server won't work without a particular open port. But, any open port with writing access could be used as an attack surface.

  • Website: Websites are the most common attack surface in the digital arena. Businesses will keep data on their website to serve the users. Attackers scan for website vulnerabilities, and they use it as an attack surface to deploy an attack tree and gain access to the system.


Physical attack surface

Security concerns arise when an attacker gains access to any physical component of the workplace, in addition to a digital attack surface. If an infected device can connect to the network, it can easily pass access to the attacker. Consider physical attack surface to be all the security flaws in a particular system that an attacker might access if they had physical access to your office, server room, or other physical location. Laptops, computers, LANs, and routers are some examples of physical attack surfaces.


Social engineering attack surface

Social engineering uses human psychology and vulnerability to persuade victims to provide private information and sensitive data or take action that violates conventional security protocols.

Generally, social engineering's effectiveness is based on a lack of understanding of the techniques used by attackers and inadequate operational security. If the attacker could correctly evaluate and combine with other data, you are at high risk. For example, a fake call to any of your employees to get a password is considered a social engineering attack surface. However, file sharing with fake service people could be a reason for data compromisation if the file is sent intended to gain access to the system.

Before getting into further discussion, focus on what other basis social engineering attack surface types can be organised:

  • Sensitive Data

  • Business Data

  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

  • Protected Health Information (PHI)

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